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Roles and Responsibilities

Burstall Parish Council

Councillor Roles, Responsibilities and Representatives


Burstall Parish Council Chair - Cllr Barry Gasper                                                             

Burstall Parish Council Vice-Chair - Cllr Andrew Kerrison

Burstall Parish Clerk, RFO & Proper Officer - Mrs Susan Frankis

Emergency Planning - Cllr Andrew Kerrison

Footpaths - vacant

Litter - Cllr Lesley Raby

Parochial Church Council (PCC) - Cllr Lesley Raby

Planning - Cllr Andrew Kerrison; Cllr Steve Godfrey and Cllr Samantha Main

village Assets - Cllr Lesley Raby

Road Safety - Cllr Keith Raby

Suffolk Association of Local Councils (SALC) - vacant

Tree Wardens - vacant

Village Hall Liaison - Cllr Keith Raby